Local Area Network are used to connect computers in a single building or group of buildings.
Types of LAN/Local Area Networks
There are many types of LANs
The most common type is Ehernet.
Composition of LAN :
A Local Area Network consists of a central node which is alos called as network Hub.
The computers in LAN are connected to the central node in a star topology.
These links between the hub and computers is made with UTP cables/Unsheilded Twisted Pair Cables.
The maximum recommended length for a UTP cable in LAN is 100 meters.
The computers in a LAN communicate with each other at a high speed.
The speed of communication between 2 devices in a LAN varies between 2 to 1000 million bits/second
No computer in a LAN should be more than 100 meters from the central hub,hence,LAN can transmit data
only in a limited distance.
That is why LAN are mostly used to connect computers in a single building or room etc.
UTP Cables
Advantages and Applications of LAN:
1.Data is shared by all users in the network
2.The data transfer is very secure from getting copied and there are lesser chances of it getting destroyed or
3.It can help sharing of utility devices such as Printer easier between users in the network.
4.A single software canbe used by all users in the network.
5.Data is stored in a central computer and hence can be esily used by all users in the network.
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