Human life is complex and everyone faces a stressful situation at some time.
This could be a failure in exam,an accident,a death of someone close or some form of bullying / harrassment.
Life in not perfect and everyone has to go through tough times in life to achieve succees,
The key is to cope with the stressful situation adequately and move forward in life.
While there is reported to be an imabalance of chemicals / neurotransmitters in brain during periods of stress and medications do help but the following steps are very useful in order to tackle with a difficult situation :
1.Talk to someone close to you who you trust and discuss about your issues.This could be family or firends
2.Seek advice / support from someone who you have trust in and is more experienced in life / senior to you eg someone in your family : Parents or elder siblings.
3 .Do something that makes you feel going to a park or a natural resort.
4.Try to assess the damage done.Was there a cause for this event eg some inexperience on your behalf or some bias from someone.?
5.Dont be left alone
6.Think positive and plan how to get out of this situation.Move ahead and march forward.Going in other directions may prove lethal.
7.Look at the moments of success in your life and feel optimistic that you will overcome this too.8.
8.We are not perfect and not meant to succeed in everything.Failures do happen and should be taken as a step towards success by learning from their causes and how to prevent them again.
9.Try to change the course of your thoughts and get out of the loop / cycle of thoughts of depression.
10 Indulge in some positive / constructive activity for a longer time period