Changes in Nails Part 2
Beau Line:
This refers to a partial thickness transverse break in nail plate.
This represents a temporary arrest in nail matrix development process.
It may affect a number of nails.
It can happen during times of illness as well as in association with nail diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
Longitudinal nail splits:
These may be sinle or multiple.
An single split on nail usually represents an area of focal nail damage.
This canbe due to one of the following causes:
Acute trauma or injury to the nail.
Repeated trauma from external object.
In case there are multiple longitudinal aplits,they canbe due to a generalized inflammatory or degenerative process.
The casues for these include:
Lichen planus
Darier”s Diseases
Darier"s Disease
Darier"s Disease is characterized by dark crusty
patches on the skin, sometimes containing pus. The crusty patches are also
known as keratotic papules.
Mild forms of the disease are the most common, consisting
solely of skin rashes that flare-up under certain conditions such as high
humidity, high stress or tight-fitting clothes.
Even in mild forms, short
stature combined with poorly formed fingernails containing vertical striations
are diagnostic.
Skin Lesions in Darier"s Disease