Your Role
You are the medical SHO at the Gastroenterology clinic and are asked to see the following patient
Re : A,age 56 years
Dear Doctor,
Thank you for reviewing this gentleman who was found to have a raised ALT at a routine blood test.
His ALT has remained persistently elevated at 80 on repeat testing with otherwise normal liver function tests.
Mr A gives a history of previous alcohol excess but I understand that he is now abstinent.
Examination is unremarkable,
I have sent a screen for viral hepatitis which has been negative.
Please advise on further investigation and management.
Yours sincerely
Dr X
Important aspects
Main points on approaching the scenario.
Greet the examiner
Read the scenario in the time given for reading utilizing the time to carefully read the history and focus on main points.
What is being asked in the history.
Is there a clue in the history to the underlying diagnosis?
Memorize the name of the patient carefully
Now approach the patient
Greet the patient
Introduce yourself : I am Dr Gillani
I have been asked to ask you a few questions to better understand your problem.
Ask the patient what does he mean by jaundice ?
Has he or anybody else noticed a change in color of their eyes,ie they appear more yellow than usual ?
Sometimes patient will tell of associated symptoms only.
Give time to patient to let them explain about all their associated symptoms because jaundice is frequently a serious illness and should not be ignored.
Clinical Sciences Made Simple
History of Present Illness :
I believe you have been feeling unwell recently.
When was the last time you felt completely healthy.
How have you been feeling since then ?
Would you want to tell what has been going on ?
Ask about onset and duration of disease.
Since when did you notice that your eyes / skin have changed their color ?
How have things been progressing since then ?
Acute onset (Days )
Gall stone disease ( Cholangitis, Choledocholithisis)
Acute Hepatitis
Acute Budd Chiari Syndrome
Subacute Onset ( Weeks – Months )
Pancreatic and hepatobiliary malignancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis ( eg drug induced, Auto immune , Infiltrative liver Disease )
Right sided Heart Failure
Recurrent Episodes :
Gallstone Disease ( cholangitis , choledocholithiasis)
Disorder of Bile transport eg ( gilbert”s Syndrome )
Associated Symptoms :
Fever :
Occurs in
Viral hepatitis
Alcoholic hepatitis
Mirizzi”s Syndrome : Compression of hepatic duct by chronic inflammation in Hartman:s pouch of the gall bladder)
Right Upper quadrant Pain :
This occurs in cholangitis
Acute Hepatitis
Budd Chiari Syndrome
Mirizzis Syndrome
Gradual onset painless chelestatic Jaundice :
This occurs in
Pancreatic duct malignancy
Bile duct malignancy
Auto immune cholestasis
Drug related cholestasis
Presence of confusion or altered mental status is strobly suggestive of a serious underlying proble such as :
Sepsis due to Cholangitis or
Hepatic encephalopathy due to Acute or Chronic Liver Failure
Other causes include
Intracranial haemorhage due to coagulopathy caused by Liver failure
Hypoglycemia due to Liver Failure
Or Post ictal state following seizure due to Alcohol or Substance Withdrawal
Mucosal Bleeding / bruising :
Ask specifically about gingival bleeding , nose bleeds and easy bruising.
Apart from coagulopathy caused by liver failure,other causes of mucosal bleeding and jaundice
include : DIC : Disseminated Intravascular coagulation due to cholangitis and sepsis,
Thrmobocytopenia due to portal hypertension ( Hypersplenism)
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic purpura ( TTP) or
Severe Malaria
Back pain
can occur in Viral hepatitis along with Right Upper Quadrant pain and Severe Haemolysis.
Dark Urine and Pale stools
These are Classic symptoms of Obstructive Jaundice.
This occurs due to excess conjugated bile appearing in the urine.
Also lack of conjugated bile secreted into the intestines lead to a lack of stool pigment ( pale stools)
However severe haemolysis may cause dark urine due to haemoglobinuria.
Therefore,these questions may be better at following the progress of jaundice once the diagnosis is known rather than distinguishing obstructive jaundice from haemolysis.
Pruritis is a feature of all cholestatic processes including bile duct obstruction,drug induced and auto immune.
Other systemic diseases causing pruritis include :
Chronic Renal Disease
Haematological malignancy
Weight Loss
Involuntary weight loss is associated with Pancreatic or Hepatobiliary Malignancy.
Patients with advanced Chronic Liver Disease are aso usually malnourished although their weight loss may be balanced by the development of ascites.
Associated Risk Factors :
Needle and Blood exposure :
Shared needles / iv drug abuse
Dental or medical care abroad
Sexual History :
Ask sensitively about Sexual contacts ( Type of encounter : Heterosexual or Homosexual)
Number of partners
Use of barrier protection ?
Exposure to Hepatitis A
Drinking contaminated water ?
Exposure to individuals with viral illness
History of eating shell fish
Travel history in last 6 weeks ?
Recent Immunusuppression :
Patients who may be asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B may develop liver failure due to viral reactivation after starting immunosuppressant therapy eg steroids and chemotherapy/.
Risk factors for Alcoholic Hepatitis and Acute Liver Failure
Alcohol Intake
Ask patient openly about Alcohol Intake
How much alcohol do you drink in an average weekend ?
Would you say you drink about one to two beers / whiskies a night or 8 – 10 beers / whiskies a night.
A lot of people feel alcohol helps them sleep at night . Do you feel the same ?
Now may be a good time to ask about CAGE Questionaire :
CAGE Questionnaire “CAGE” is an acronym formed from the italicized words in the questionnaire (cut-annoyed-guiltyeye).
The CAGE is a simple screening questionnaire to id potential problems with alcohol.
Two “yes” responses is considered positive for males; one “yes” is considered positive for females.
Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions.
Please check the one response to each item that best describes how you have felt and behaved over your whole life.
Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? __Yes __No
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? __Yes __No
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? __Yes __No
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)? __Yes __No
Offer help networks to try giving up alcohol.
Medications History :
Try to establish if the patient has been taking any hepatotoxic medications such as paracetamol.
Ask about any history of clotting disorder which can cause Budd Chiari Syndrome.
Any past history of Gall stones of hepato biliary surgery ? ( Risk of biliary strictures)
Travel History
Ask about any travel to South Eaast Asia , Eastern Eurpe or Sub Saharan Africa where there is a chance pt might havr acquired Hepatitis A or B
Family History
Try to elicit a family history of diseases below :
Blood Disorders
Wilson”s Disease
Gilbert”s Syndrome
Haemolytic Anemia
G6PD Deficiency.
Vaccination for Hepatitis A and B
Gyne & Obs History :
Ask about history of pre-eclampsia and low platelets in previous pregnancies ( to establish HELPP Syndrome )
Address any concerns the patient might be having
Discussion with Examiner
Formulating a plan of Action
Explain to the patient that a full clinical examination,blood tests and an ultrasound scan of liver
would be necessary to further determine the underlying diagnosis.
The Blood Tests which need to be done include :
Full Blood Count
Urea and Electrolytes including EGFR and Creatinine
Serum Paracetamol Levels
ABGs in unwell patients
Liver Function Tests ( Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase and Alanine Transaminase )
Hepatitis A IgM , B s Ag and C Ab Serology
Serum Albumin and Total Proteins
Clotting profile including PT APTT and INR
Liver Smooth Muscle antibodies / Auto antibodies : that include : Anti smooth muscle Abs / Mitochondrial LKS antibodies)
Serum Iron , transferrin , TIBC and Ferritin tests for Haemochrmatosis
Serum Ceruloplasmin levels for Wilson”s Disease
Liver Biopsy if needed.